Thursday, September 13, 2012

Gettin' to the Public

So I was sitting there on one of my favorite sites on the internet, just wasting away a couple minutes when an idea popped in my head.  What am I passionate about and would like people to be a little more interested in?  How do I get to larger audience?  Facebook doesn't work, my blog has only 2 followers, what can I do?  Eureka!  Combine a popular site with my passion.

This is what I came up with:  Rants of an American

What do you think of that?

Edit:  So in a matter of minutes my ad was flagged and removed.  This is what it said: "Looking for Americans to vote. Takes little time out of your day and your voice truly makes a difference. Go out, get registered (shoot you can do it from your computer instead of looking for stuff you don't need off of craigslist), and let our government know what you think of them! "  I posted it in the wanted ads.

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